Friday 9 November 2012

Improve your English

9 common ways to improve your English are :

1.     Be alert.  Keep your ears and eyes open, listening to how people use the language, and reading other people's work critically.

2.     Read more.  Read from business magazines, international newspapers, other people's annual reports and letters.  It is also a good idea to spend some time reading fiction, as this can provide a vital freshness to your language use and increase your vocabulary.

3.     Listen to the English Channel Radio or English song in a car or while relaxing at home.

4.     Watch English Movies with subtitle.  You will learn new words and at the same time know how to pronounce it beside having fun time watching the movie.

5.     Take some time to study an article from a business magazine or newspaper.  Analyse how the sentences are constructed, the choice of the words that are used and the organisation of the data. Write out sentences or phrases that you find particularly powerful.

6.     Be best friends with a good dictionary, a thesaurus, a business reference book and a grammar book. If you look up a word in a dictionary, you may like to write it out with its meaning to aid memory. Some people keep a notebook of new words, this can be very effective.

7.     Learn a new word a day.  Keep your own vocabulary notebook and write a new word and its meaning in it every day.  Refer to it as often as possible so that the new words wil stick in your head.

8.     Speak the language whenever you can.  Speak in English with your friends and family.  Don’t be shy to try speaking the language and don’t be afraid that others will tease you.  In fact, they will admire you for your courage and confidence.

9.     Bonus tip, life is short.  So,  Stop studying English but Start Using English, now.  I Like.

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